Ajith started his film career at the age of 21 in a Telugu film Prema Pustagam in 1992. The movie proved to be successful and he won the Best New Face Award for it, establishing him as an actor. Two other successful movies followed in Tamil Amaravathi and Pavithra, which was delayed for 17 months because of an injury that left him bed-ridden. Both fetch him several awards from the media. After he acted in the film 'Aasai' directed by Vasanth and 'Kadhal Kottai' directed by Agathiyan, both the film run successfully and gave a break to him in Kollywood.
He played in Amitabh Bachchan's debut Tamil production alongside Vikram in Ullasam, and a string of successful movies followed, most notably Aval Varuvala, which cast him alongside Simran and Vaali. After Amarkalam (1999), he set up his own distribution company AK International.
Throughout the Nineties, he was seen in many successful movies in guest appearances and was later cast alongside Mammooty and Aishwarya Rai in Kandukondain Kandukondain and played a supporting role in Shahrukh Khan's Asoka. Almost all his movies have been dubbed or remade into Telugu.
In Mugavari he played the role of aspiirng musician who sacrifices his love for the sake of his ambition and later sacrifices his ambition for the sake of his family.
At the age of 30, he went for a radical image makeover in the blockbusters Dheena, Citizen and Red. For Villain, directed by KS Ravikumar, he won the South India Filmfare Best Actor Award.
He made is comeback after Ji's mediocre perfomance with the successful movie Paramasivan. Ajith's latest release is Thirupathi (2006) and the movie is doing well all over Tamilnadu. His Godfather is yet to release this month.